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Explainer videa

Vysvětlíme i ty nejsložitější nápady

Explainer videa vysvětlí, popíší a zpropagují váš produkt nebo službu tím nejefektivnějším způsobem. Kreativně, výstižně a za zlomek času!

Co jsou explainer videa?

Poutavá animovaná videa, která vysvětlí vše podstatné za 60, 90 či 120 sekund. Cílem těchto videí je poskytnout zákazníkům odpovědi na jejich otázky, aby po zhlédnutí explainer videa jasně porozuměli prezentovanému produktu nebo službě. Tento typ videa je oblíbený a vyhledávaný v rámci komunikace se spotřebitelem, ale i mezi firmami.

Proč explainer videa?

Na oslovení zákazníka máte jen pár sekund a za tento krátký čas musíte ukázat, co dokážete a že vaše řešení je to nejlepší. A právě to je hlavní výhodou explainer videí. Zákazníci nemusí číst dlouhé texty a vše se dozví mnohem zajímavější formou. Kromě toho, umístěním explainer videa na webovou stránku výrazně zvýšíte míru prokliku a konverzí, snížíte míru okamžitých odchodů a samozřejmě zlepšíte svoji image.


Fakty o explainer videach

Diváci si uchovají více než 95 % zprávy ze sledovaného videa

96 % spotřebitelů se podívá na explainer video, aby získalo informaci o produktu nebo službě

85 % spotřebitelů uvádí, že si koupilo produkt po zhlédnutí explainer videa


Projekty, na ktorých sme pracovali

Crypto Captain

Moodive was very attentive at every step of the way. The whole process was seamless in our point of view. They were sending frequent updates and were open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. They made sure that we are completely satisfied with the result before we continued to the next step. They are also amazing animators and offer great value for the money.

Lyubomir Kirilov
Head of Business Development


Moodive Studio led a collaborative process, discussing every step of the project with us to ensure that the video accurately matched our vision. At individual points in the process, they were interested in our opinion and they cared about the result to be really good and cared about our satisfaction, too.

Martin Šplíchal


Their creativity, communication, quality production/video execution was on a very high level. The cooperation was good in all areas. The team’s communication was very effective and allowed their creativity and the quality of the videos to shine through during the project and its launch.

Michaela Sabadošová
Office & Marketing Manager

Bitcoin Lottery

We really like solution-oriented work – there is no such thing as impossible. Moodive Studio creates a smooth workflow through excellent communication. They deliver quality work at a reasonable price, and their animation skills have had a huge impact on the project.

Raul Silviu Klein

We are happy with the final product that the Moodive Studio team came up with for the project. The quality of their work is impressive. The team’s workflow was very effective and added a lot of value to the video. We appreciate the consultative process that spanned all production’s steps from storyboarding to delivery.

Gary Allen

Crypto Captain

Moodive was very attentive at every step of the way. The whole process was seamless in our point of view. They were sending frequent updates and were open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. They made sure that we are completely satisfied with the result before we continued to the next step. They are also amazing animators and offer great value for the money.

Lyubomir Kirilov
Head of Business Development


Moodive Studio led a collaborative process, discussing every step of the project with us to ensure that the video accurately matched our vision. At individual points in the process, they were interested in our opinion and they cared about the result to be really good and cared about our satisfaction, too.

Martin Šplíchal


Their creativity, communication, quality production/video execution was on a very high level. The cooperation was good in all areas. The team’s communication was very effective and allowed their creativity and the quality of the videos to shine through during the project and its launch.

Michaela Sabadošová
Office & Marketing Manager

Bitcoin Lottery

We really like solution-oriented work – there is no such thing as impossible. Moodive Studio creates a smooth workflow through excellent communication. They deliver quality work at a reasonable price, and their animation skills have had a huge impact on the project.

Raul Silviu Klein

We are happy with the final product that the Moodive Studio team came up with for the project. The quality of their work is impressive. The team’s workflow was very effective and added a lot of value to the video. We appreciate the consultative process that spanned all production’s steps from storyboarding to delivery.

Gary Allen


Let`s talk business

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