Vzdělávací a tréninková videa
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Vzdělávací a tréninková videa představují dlouhodobý zdroj informací, jehož prostřednictvím naučíte vaše publikum přesně to, co potřebujete. Vytvořte AHA moment nápaditou a originální formou vzdělávání.
Co jsou vzdělávací a tréninková videa?
Vysvětlete neskutečné množství informací za pár minut. Unikátní typ videí, který je určen pro vzdělávání a rozvoj vašeho publika. Díky vzdělávacím a tréninkovým videím přiblížíte i ty nejkomplikovanější procesy jednoduchou a zábavnou formou. Pomocí custom produkce budou navíc všechny ikony, barvy, postavy a prostředí přesně odpovídat vašemu brandu. Můžete se rozhodnout buď pro animované video, záznam obrazovky nebo hrané instruktážní video.

Proč vzdělávací a tréninková videa?
Cílem tohoto typu videí je někoho něco naučit. Dokážete odprezentovat jakoukoliv informaci bod po bodu, přesně tak, jak to chcete vy. Vzdělávací a tréninková videa jsou vhodná v případě, že potřebujete vzdělat vaše interní zaměstnance, ale také externí publikum. A mimo jiné získáte zdroj informací, který můžete opětovně využívat, a tak ušetřit na výdajích.
Fakty o vzdělávacích a tréninkových videach
Více než 90 % společností používá e-learningová videa jako vzdělávací nástroj
Společností zaznamenalo zlepšení interní komunikace a urychlení procesu vzdělávání zaměstnanců díky videím
Více než 85 % spotřebitelů se naučilo něco nového prostřednictvím videí
Projekty, na ktorých sme pracovali
Crypto Captain
Moodive was very attentive at every step of the way. The whole process was seamless in our point of view. They were sending frequent updates and were open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. They made sure that we are completely satisfied with the result before we continued to the next step. They are also amazing animators and offer great value for the money.
Lyubomir Kirilov
Head of Business Development
Moodive Studio led a collaborative process, discussing every step of the project with us to ensure that the video accurately matched our vision. At individual points in the process, they were interested in our opinion and they cared about the result to be really good and cared about our satisfaction, too.
Martin Šplíchal
Their creativity, communication, quality production/video execution was on a very high level. The cooperation was good in all areas. The team’s communication was very effective and allowed their creativity and the quality of the videos to shine through during the project and its launch.
Michaela Sabadošová
Office & Marketing Manager
Bitcoin Lottery
We really like solution-oriented work – there is no such thing as impossible. Moodive Studio creates a smooth workflow through excellent communication. They deliver quality work at a reasonable price, and their animation skills have had a huge impact on the project.
Raul Silviu Klein
We are happy with the final product that the Moodive Studio team came up with for the project. The quality of their work is impressive. The team’s workflow was very effective and added a lot of value to the video. We appreciate the consultative process that spanned all production’s steps from storyboarding to delivery.
Gary Allen
Crypto Captain
Moodive was very attentive at every step of the way. The whole process was seamless in our point of view. They were sending frequent updates and were open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. They made sure that we are completely satisfied with the result before we continued to the next step. They are also amazing animators and offer great value for the money.
Lyubomir Kirilov
Head of Business Development
Moodive Studio led a collaborative process, discussing every step of the project with us to ensure that the video accurately matched our vision. At individual points in the process, they were interested in our opinion and they cared about the result to be really good and cared about our satisfaction, too.
Martin Šplíchal
Their creativity, communication, quality production/video execution was on a very high level. The cooperation was good in all areas. The team’s communication was very effective and allowed their creativity and the quality of the videos to shine through during the project and its launch.
Michaela Sabadošová
Office & Marketing Manager
Bitcoin Lottery
We really like solution-oriented work – there is no such thing as impossible. Moodive Studio creates a smooth workflow through excellent communication. They deliver quality work at a reasonable price, and their animation skills have had a huge impact on the project.
Raul Silviu Klein
We are happy with the final product that the Moodive Studio team came up with for the project. The quality of their work is impressive. The team’s workflow was very effective and added a lot of value to the video. We appreciate the consultative process that spanned all production’s steps from storyboarding to delivery.